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Gase Properties... Buying, renting and selling properties since 1984

We built our first home in 1984.  We were primarily a buy and hold investor until several years ago when we began consolidating our investments in Texas, specifically Waxahachie, Texas, the Gingerbread Capital of Texas!

Real estate is a great investment!  Whether you are buying for your primary residence or as rental property.  Our strategy for many, many years was buy and hold.  Money forever as rental income was the primary goal rather than making a few  dollars on a sale.  


Buying homes is what we did forever.  Thanks to a strong sellers market, we are venturing into sales.  The diamonds in the rough are few and far between, but we still find them.  If you have a home that needs a bit of improvement or maybe A LOT of improvement, contact us.  Is your home about to go into foreclosure?  Maybe we can help.

To see our properties, call Theresa Peel Gase at 972-938-7335.  We will proudly show you our real estate gems! We hope you will be pleasantly surprised at our offerings.  


Theresa Peel Gase is a licensed Texas attorney. 

Gase Properties is not a licensed real estate broker.  

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